Hello Duelists! Firstly, this set has one of the coolest names yet, Invasion:VENGEANCE! It sounds so powerful and menacing, like doom is inevitable! Anyway, Invasion: Vengeance is a new booster pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG following The Dark Illusion! It was released on November 4th and includes cards to support the new SPYRAL and Subterror archetypes while introducing the Chemicritter, Cryston, and Predaplant archetypes. With the cover monster, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, being a fusion monster the pack seems oriented to a resurgence of fusion summoning! Check out some of the top cards from Invasion:Vengeance.
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Top Cards of Invasion:Vengeance
Dimensional Barrier
Every now and then a set will contain a card that immediately becomes a staple of it’s time. We’ve seen it with Maxx “c”, Effect Veiler, Fiendish Chain, Vanity’s Emptiness, Twin Twisters, the list goes on and on, but these were all cards that excelled at assisting in stunning your opponent or punishing them for overcommiting and thus became staples. Dimensional Barrier is another card made just for that. This amazing card allows you to remove an aspect of your opponents extra deck for an entire turn, stopping summons AND negating their effects. In a metagame where the Extra Deck is so important, and skipping a turn often means you lose, this card is the definition of a game changer.
Toadally Awesome
As hilariously disappointing as the TCG name is this card is still a masterpiece. Aptly dubbed a “Solemn Judgment on Legs” this card will essentially negate any card your opponent tries to play. A similar card is Evolzar Laggia which was so good Konami had no choice but to limit the facilitator Rescue Rabbit to one. However this card is different because although you can XYZ summon it you don’t HAVE to! Bahumut Shark allows you to special summon this “Solemn on Legs” for free, it’s Toadally Awesome! (Sorry I had to…)
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes, the better Igknights, have been a consistenly supported Archetype over the last few sets released. By destroying their allies on the field and sending them to the Extra Deck they allow you to search for more fuel for your strategy. They have a myriad of fusion monsters much like E-HEROES and the general concept is to overwhelm your opponent with resource overload. Although fusing a Pendulum monster in the monster card zone will send it to the Extra Deck, if it is in your hand it will go to the graveyard. Then of course your opponent will be doing everything in their power to send your Metalfoes to the graveyard. And that’s where Mithrilium comes in handy! By returning two Metalfoes CARDS (yes spell and traps too, pretty awesome) to your deck you can return one card on the field to the hand, which can be helpful to remove opposing Extra Deck monsters.
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Full Invasion:Vengeance Card List
INOV-EN000 Space Dragster
INOV-EN001 Dragon Core Hexer
INOV-EN002 Performapal Whim Witch
INOV-EN003 Performapal Flip Hippo
INOV-EN004 Performapal Seal Eel
INOV-EN005 Performapal Changeraffe
INOV-EN006 Predaplant Flytrap
INOV-EN007 Predaplant Moray Nepenthes
INOV-EN008 Predaplant Squid Drosera
INOV-EN009 Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
INOV-EN010 Cipher Twin Raptor
INOV-EN011 Cipher Mirror Knight
INOV-EN012 Flower Cardian Clover with Boar
INOV-EN013 Flower Cardian Maple with Deer
INOV-EN014 Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly
INOV-EN015 Crystron Quan
INOV-EN016 Crystron Citree
INOV-EN017 Crystron Prasiortle
INOV-EN018 Crystron Smiger
INOV-EN019 Crystron Thystvern
INOV-EN020 Crystron Rosenix
INOV-EN021 True King Bahrastos, the Fathomer
INOV-EN022 Raremetalfoes Bismugear
INOV-EN023 Chemicritter Hydron Hawk
INOV-EN024 Chemicritter Carbo Crab
INOV-EN025 Chemicritter Oxy Ox
INOV-EN026 Poly-Chemicritter Dioxogre
INOV-EN027 Poly-Chemicritter Hydragon
INOV-EN028 Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact
INOV-EN029 PSY-Frame Multi-Threader
INOV-EN030 Graydle Slime Jr.
INOV-EN031 Aromaseraphy Angelica
INOV-EN032 Doki Doki
INOV-EN033 Torque Tune Gear
INOV-EN034 Pandora’s Jewelry Box
INOV-EN035 Fairy Tail – Sleeper
INOV-EN036 Cyber Angel Vrash
INOV-EN037 Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended
INOV-EN038 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
INOV-EN039 Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
INOV-EN040 Metalfoes Mithrilium
INOV-EN041 Meteor Black Comet Dragon
INOV-EN042 Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi
INOV-EN043 Flower Cardian Boardefly
INOV-EN044 Crystron Quandax
INOV-EN045 Crystron Ametrix
INOV-EN046 Crystron Phoenix
INOV-EN047 Aromaseraphy Rosemary
INOV-EN048 Denglong, First of the Yang Zing
INOV-EN049 Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon
INOV-EN050 Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco
INOV-EN051 Darktellarknight Batlamyus
INOV-EN052 Toadally Awesome
INOV-EN053 Amazing Pendulum
INOV-EN054 The Phantom Knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch
INOV-EN055 Flower Stacking
INOV-EN056 Super Koi Koi
INOV-EN057 Crystolic Potential
INOV-EN058 Fullmetalfoes Fusion
INOV-EN059 Catalyst Field
INOV-EN060 Red-Eyes Insight
INOV-EN061 Igknights Unite
INOV-EN062 Tellarknight Genesis
INOV-EN063 “A” Cell Recombination Device
INOV-EN064 Sprite’s Blessing
INOV-EN065 Pot of Acquisitiveness
INOV-EN066 Quarantine
INOV-EN067 King’s Synchro
INOV-EN068 Double Cipher
INOV-EN069 Cipher Bit
INOV-EN070 Fraud Freeze
INOV-EN071 Crystron Entry
INOV-EN072 Crystron Impact
INOV-EN073 Burnout
INOV-EN074 PSY-Frame Accelerator
INOV-EN075 Graydle Combat
INOV-EN076 Qlife’s End
INOV-EN077 Nine Pillars of Yang Zing
INOV-EN078 Dimensional Barrier
INOV-EN079 Summon Gate
INOV-EN080 Present Card
INOV-EN081 Vermillion Dragon Mech
INOV-EN082 Subterror Nemesis Archer
INOV-EN083 Subterror Behemoth Stygokraken
INOV-EN084 Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus
INOV-EN085 Subterror Behemoth Burrowing
INOV-EN086 Charming Resort Staff
INOV-EN087 SPYRAL Master Plan
INOV-EN090 Saber Reflection
INOV-EN091 Constellar Tempest
INOV-EN092 Caninetaur
INOV-EN093 Dino-Sewing
INOV-EN094 Mare Mare
INOV-EN095 Paleozoic Eldonia
INOV-EN096 Paleozoic Dinomischus
INOV-EN097 Paleozoic Marrella
INOV-EN098 Paleozoic Leanchoilia
INOV-EN099 Paleozoic Opabinia